Cement Seagulls, etc.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday Thoughts

Work: Worked an overnight shift. Means going to bed at 2, getting up at eleven and working from Midnight to 8. If you've never worked an overnight, it's just not normal. I like the peace and quiet, but its just weird to start work at that hour.

News: The Schiavo case dominates the headlines, which means its a pretty slow newsweek. The case has some pretty riveting elements. Here's what I can't understand. Why are the Republicans so worried about making sure this one poor woman can't die in peace but when it comes to life and death issues they seem to always seem to be on the other side. On the Death penalty (even for kids and the mentally disabled)- bring it on. The war in iraq- send those soldiers and innocent iraqis to die. Affordable healthcare- nope, we need tax cuts. Why can't anyone see the big picture? (BTW: what happened to States Rights, i guess only when its convenient)
I think the real question is why can't we find a humane way for this woman to pass on, instead of pulling her feeding tube. Oregon's Death with Dignity act seems to make a lot of sense.
- Air America reports that Bush signed a bill as governor that allows hospitals to remove patients off life support.. if they don't have insurance. Nice.


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Viva Bush! Do you think we could get an amendment going to give him 4 extra years?


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