Tuesday Thoughts
News: President Bush visits Albuquerque to talk social security. In his nearly hour long speech.. he really didn't say a word about how he wanted to pay for it. Then John McCain talked for about 10 minutes about how much he loves the President. This guy has done a total 180. Bush screwed McCain back in 2000.. and now McCain can't say enough good about him. Gotta believe John wants to run in '08 and wants to pick up some of Bush's conservative momentum.
Schiavo case: Props to ABC news for running a soundbite from a Harvard law professor pointing out the hyprocracy in Congress. Basically he says.. they're always complaining that federal judges shouldn't be activists.. then a judge reviews the case.. finds there's no basis for the appeal.. and they're upset he not being active.
Interesting Read on this issue:http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050322/ap_on_go_pr_wh/schiavo_conservatives
Sports: Barry bonds says in a press conference that he's not sure if he's coming back to baseball, and tells the media they "broke" him. He is hurt.. and old to do what he does.. but something's up. He's almost the all-time home run king. My take: someone's getting really close to having hard evidence on the roids. Or he thinks the records won't matter.. because everyone thinks he juices anyway.
***Update*** American Idol will re-air tonight because of an error in the voting process. So you can catch all the performances again!
TV: American Idol was really good tonight. Carrie, Nikko and Vonzell amazing. Anwar.. just okay. Everyone else is just not very good.
Tech: Logitech makes nice computer speakers.. cheap too.
Words for men to live by from national sports radio host Colin Cowherd: "Don't get caught with a live boy or a dead woman"
Good link: Need a laugh? Great Daily Show Link http://www.comedycentral.com/tv_shows/ds/special_black.jhtml
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