Review: Grizzly Man
It's a funny thing about trying to live a nobel life; you walk a fine line between seen as a champion for a cause or being seen as a crackpot. To truely make a difference you probably have to walk that line between activist and fanatic. One step to the right and you're seen as just another person who can't commit to change, and one step to the left.. and you step outside the relm of normal society, with people who can have a conversation about the weather, shop at a mall, or allow yourself luxuries like new cars and new underwear.
Grizzly Man is a lot about a guy who tries to walk that line.. and completely falls over to the left hand side. Basically this crazy, wannbe actor, goes and lives with bears for 13 summers, gives them cute names and thinks he's one of them. In the end, a bear he's unfamiliar with mauls him to death. The movie lets you make up your own mind about whether or not you think he's crazy or really has a purpose. I think he's crazy. An alcoholic who turned in his booze to get drunk on his sense of self-rightousness, but then a friend asked me 'if he was happy, and didn't hurt anybody maybe that was a good life for him?' Very true.
Anyways, to those of you reading, decide for your self if its noble to give up a normal existance to be a fanatic about some cause. Me, I think a Superman complex is more likely to alienate a person from their family and friends, and turn to some kind of personal crucade that really has no real-life goal. If we all just do a little bit, it works a lot better than one person trying to do everything.
Good movie though, check it out.